Maukar, Universitas Negeri Manado FATEK - PKK, Tondano-Manado, Indonesia. The research objective was to prove the influence of emotional intelligence, creativity, work ethic to service quality of the high school library in the Minahasa Regency.
This Research using quantitative approach with a survey method and the test hypothesis using Path Analysis. The population in this research are all of the librarians in the high school library of Minahasa regency. The samples in this research were the librarians with the amount of 70 respondents, that were taken technically simple random sampling.
The result of the research and the test of hypothesis show that: (1) There is direct positive influence of the emotional intelligence toward the service quality of high school library in the Minahasa Regency. (2) There is direct positive influence of the creativity toward the service quality of high school libraries in the Minahasa Regency. (3) There is direct positive influence of the work ethic toward the service quality of the high school l ibraries in the Minahasa Regency.
(4) There is direct positive influence of emotional intelligence toward the work ethic of high school libraries in the Minahasa Regency. (5) There is direct positive influence of the creativity toward the work ethic of high school libraries in the Minahasa Regency.
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